
Friday, December 10, 2010

Will you buy me a falafel?

Actually, I don't even know what a falafel is...

Well look at who just jumped on the blogging bandwagon. I haven't done this since the Xanga craze in what, 8th grade? Talk about old school. In all seriousness, though, this is something I've needed to do for a very long time now. I've always spoken of spreading my words to the world via blogging or developing my novel online and that's obviously never happened (at least not under my own name), so we'll see how this goes. In my attempt to become an AYA Integrated Language Arts educator, I'm trying to improve my writing and myself through the written word shared where all can gaze. Maybe I'll even go as far as pretending that maintaining an active blog with worthy content will be my New Year's resolution (haaaah). However, I'll probably spend a majority of my time lurking friends who actually use their blogs and act like I'm too good to create a tumblr. Give me a good whap on the knuckles if I stray too far from my intended course.

For now I'll go with stealing Boot3d's idea, using book reviews in lieu of gaming rants.

Currently reading: Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind
Book to be reviewed next time:
Just finished: Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
Page length: 820

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